Serve with us

Meals on Wheels

Volunteers from Epiphany deliver meals to local folks on Tuesdays. There is always a need for additional drivers. Volunteers usually sign up to cover a month of Tuesdays at a time. Teams are welcome, so grab a friend.  If you can spare some time to help out, contact the coordinator here.

AEM Food Pantry

Epiphany supports the Abington Ecumenical Ministerium's (AEM) Food Pantry located at the Dalton UMC. To help sort and distribute food on Monday evenings, contact Nancy at

Current Food Pantry Special Requests:

Donations of checks or gift cards for local grocery stores are requested and can be mailed to: 


PO Box 125

Clarks Summit, PA 18411

Please note "food pantry" in the check memo line .

Crop Hunger Walk

Each year, a team from Epiphany joins in the local CROP Hunger Walk to raise funds to combat hunger. 25% of the monies raised support local programs that feed hungry folks. Click here for more information on the national program. Check the the parish calendar for the next scheduled walk.

Annual Rummage Sale

This is a very popular community event – and a great help with your spring cleaning! A dedicated team of volunteers turns chaos into cash with proceeds benefiting the Ketchum Scholarship fund for Epiphany's graduating seniors.

Agape Fund

The Agape fund was set up as a parish discretionary fund, the purpose of the AGAPE fund is to help those of our parish, yet not restricted to only those of our parish, who may find themselves in need of financial assistance.  AGAPE assistance may be of an emergency nature or it can be long term. This fund may also be used to assist charitable agencies to carry out their ministries.  We do not support agencies, whose purpose is to collect funds, for distributions.’ Agape envelopes are available in the church pews for those who wish to contribute. Or you can specify AGAPE at

Clothing Donation Shed

Located in the upper parking lot, the clothing shed accepts donations of useable clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, blankets, and drapes to redistribute to people in need in the US and developing countries. For more information on the company, click here: St. Pauly.

Highway Cleanup

Epiphany is responsible for a 2-mile stretch of 6&11. Twice a year, a team of volunteers gathers on a Saturday morning and heads out to pick up all of the trash strewn along the roadway. This a multi-generational effort and ANYONE from the community is welcome to join in. Check the calendar tab in the menu above for spring and fall for clean-up dates

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Traditionally, on the Tuesday night before Ash Wednesday, the men of Epiphany, assisted by the youth, prepare and serve a pancake supper for the community. Monetary donations are accepted at the door and proceeds go to the AEM Food Pantry (see above).

Christian Outreach
/Disaster Relief Committee

In keeping with our church’s mission, the Christian Outreach/Disaster Relief Committee (CO/DRC) seeks to support a portfolio of regional, national, and global projects that help meet people’s physical and spiritual needs, thereby empowering them to serve Christ in the world. In addition, the committee seeks to provide relief in times of disaster. While remaining open to any initiative that supports the church’s Christian Mission, in general the committee favors projects that:

1. Are in need of funding for direct-benefit;

2. Are engaged in a ministry that helps people in need, whether or not it is sponsored by a church